Lisa Abbe

Instructor, (DAN) Diver's Alert Network Courses: BLS, EO2, DFA Pro
SSI React Right Instructor, Ecology Instructor - Marine Ecology, Fish ID, Coral ID, Shark Ecology, Turtle Ecology, Manta & Ray Ecology, Marine Mammals, and Marine Invertebrates
TDI Gas Blender, Visual Insprector
Lisa started diving during the summer of 2011, and since her first breath underwater, she’s been hooked, striving for as much knowledge and experience she could obtain. She earned her Dive Master in the spring of 2012, and in 2018 she crossed over into the technical side of diving. Currently, she is working towards her SSI XR Diver, Advanced Wreck Diver, and Caver.
Over the past eight years, Lisa has had the opportunity to travel extensively for diving, and some of these dive locations include Normandy, France, diving off the WWII D-day beaches Utah and Omaha; Turks & Caicos; The Bahamas; Roatan, Honduras (Where I was proposed to at 65 fsw next to the Prince Albert Wreck, and also adopted one of the island dogs); and Truk Lagoon - Micronesia to dive the vast amount of World War II wrecks within Truk Lagoon. She can also be found frequenting the wrecks of the Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of North Carolina such as the Tarpon, Dixie Arrow, and the Proteus; The Lady Luck, Captain Dan, Speigle Grove, and the Duane off the coast of Florida; as well as Jamestown, Rhode Island. As an avid wreck diver, she has also dived the WWII German U-1105 at the base of the Potomac River, and most recently, the SS Byron Benson off the coast of the OBX. Lisa is always looking for opportunities to get her fins wet. In her mind, diving should not be limited to any particular type as her experiences include drift diving, wreck diving, ice diving, and low visibility diving.
Some of her future adventures will include a survey of the USS Atlas off the coast of North Carolina, the wrecks of Scapa Flow, in Orkney Islands, Scotland, Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands; the historic wrecks of Bermuda; the Philippines; between the Tectonic Plates in Iceland; the wrecks/mines in Newfoundland; the underwater tunnels of Budapest; and the wrecks of the Great Lakes.
She would love to share her passion for diving with you. Join her and jump right in; the water’s always great somewhere around the world at any given time.